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En aquest lloc «web» trobareu propostes per fer front a problemes econòmics que esdevenen en tots els estats del món: manca d'informació sobre el mercat, suborns, corrupció, misèria, carències pressupostàries, abús de poder, etc.
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Books and documents:

A short history of money.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà, Brauli Tamarit Tamarit.

Communal Capitalism.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.

An instrument to build peace.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.

Semitic legends concerning the bank.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.

Telematic currency and market strategy.
Magdalena Grau, Agustí Chalaux.

The power of money.
Martí Olivella.

Letters of opinion.

The group debts

Brauli Tamarit Tamarit.
Translation: Loto Perrella.

Some speak about the spiritual laws of cause and effect. Are they just for individuals or also for the community? (...).

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The best president of Argentina: a historical article on Arturo Illia.

Pablo Mendelevich. La Nación. Argentina. The club of lost books.
Translation: Loto Perrella.

35 years ago, on January 18, 1983, died in poverty the former President Arturo Illia. Being a doctor, he spent his last days working in a friend’s bakery, since he had renounced his retirement (...).

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The Earth Independence.

Brauli Tamarit Tamarit.
First version: Saturday, 18th April 2020.
Last modification: Saturday, 4th July 2020.

Lluís Maria Xirinacs taught us to look for knowledge in the different areas of reality, excluding none. From his thorough study of reality derived the design of his philosophical Model, which he called Globalium (...).

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Solidary light bulbs.

Teresa Sala Bernaus.Teresa Sala.

Benito Muros was a tradesman who was afraid of flying. To overcome his fear he obtained a pilot’s certificate in civil aviation. In a trip to the USA with his family he travelled to California and went by the fire brigade at Livermore, where there is a (...).


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Money and constitution.

«I think that bank organizations are more of a danger for our liberties than whole armies ready for fight. If some day the American people allows private banks to control their money (...)».

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Varoufakis admits plans for parallel payment system, denies Grexit goal.

According to Joan Casals (1925-1988), and also following Jordi Griera, the less productive European states, like Greece (...).

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Let us imagine the Iberian Peninsula occupied by the French.

The whole of the Iberian Peninsula was occupied by the French after the Napoleonic wars. This specific war finished when Napoleon conquered the city of Cadiz, after a 14 months siege, on 11th September 1814 (...).

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Monetary sovereignty, the mother of all sovereignties. (...Or what we should expect from #Salvados program).

Enric Duran.Enric Duran Giralt.

The Society of the Spectacle has these things to give us a show about two people who have faced the banking system and the status quo staging it as another episode in the war between different television audiences. Therefore, (...).


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The European tax disunion.

Joan Casals (1925-1998).Joan Casals i Noguera.

Shocking things happen within public opinion: one of them is that, very often, the greatest contradictions are the most overlooked, and the other is that the most debatable matters fall into such a deep oblivion that people even lose sensitiveness towards any similar matter which may again appear (...).

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Cartoon by Jaume Perich on communism and capitalism.

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International economists in favor of a parallel currency.

Declaration regarding «Parallel currencies» discussed during the BVMW workshop «Parallel currencies – options, chances, risks», Berlin, July 24, 2012 (...).

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The first lawful state in the world.

«We have a lawful state». This is the affirmation made by some politicians, public officials, jurists, military men, etc. when they talk about their own country, especially in the present day parliamentary systems (...).

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Alexandre Deulofeu: «How shall we get to a universal confederation?».

Alexandre Deulofeu (1903-1978).Which should be the future world organisation? Of course, a voluntary federation of free peoples, within which all of them will have the same rank and, therefore, the same authority or importance. How can we get there? Of course, by natural evolution, which is already taking place by two different ways: (...).

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The political planetary pyramid.

Alexandre Deulofeu (1903-1978) said that all the peoples on earth live within cultures which go through alternate phases, first of fragmentation and then of unification. The true new artistic, philosophical and scientific creation (...).

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Deconstructing the pitfalls of money.

First, I fully share the concern expressed by different individuals and groups about the possibility that the establishment of an exclusively electronic money may become the trap of an electronic tyranny, under the control of a minority which does not report to anyone (...).

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Utopia is urgent and necessary.

Juan Carlos Anselmi Elissalde

Obviously the current social structure presents too many problems and too much irrationality, so it can't be sustained much longer. Surely something has to go through and profoundly alter the current state of affairs.

We've left too many spaces to poverty and malnutrition, to human rights abuses, to misuse of natural resources.

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Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama.

Dear Mr. President Barack Obama:

Several weeks ago I sent you a letter written in Spanish. Now, I'm writing to you this note in English; it contains very similar concepts to the developed in my previous message. This way, I hope you understand me better. This way, I hope English speakers better understand my reasoning, my said and my suggestions.

In my previous letter -to which I referred recently- I started congratulating you for your successful campaign and for your nomination. And then I said more or less as follows:...

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Telematic currency. Telematic money.

Juan Carlos Anselmi Elissalde.

Okay, of course, electronic money is not palpable, is not associated with a specific physical object, i.e., electronic money is a title of payment without a specific material base.

Indeed, electronic money is a way of payment in addition to other payment methods currently in use.

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