Books and documents:
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà, Brauli Tamarit Tamarit.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.
Agustí Chalaux de Subirà.
Magdalena Grau, Agustí Chalaux.
Martí Olivella.
Foreword second edition.
inspiration, the encouragement, the spirit was Horace Finaly, a Hungarian
Jew émigré to France, who became the president of the Banque
de Paris et des Pays Bas, a great financier, scholar, humanist, philosopher,
reader of the Greek classics in their original language, a repository of
old and wise Platonic traditions. He gives the name to the School which
publishes this book.
The clairvoyance, the rigour, the structure, the two or three brilliant
intuitions, and the hundreds of resourceful solutions and suggestions added
to them, as the bodywork to a Mercedes motor, all his life (over three
quarters of a century) dedicated to give shape to a general economic, social
and political system, in the field of phenomena, and an unshakable faith
in the field of transcendence: this is the work of Agustí Chalaux.
The loving, capable, orderly, exact editing task of this work, belongs
to Magda Grau. I met her when she was still a child among other children,
in a meeting at the Helping Capuchins, in the Ciutat Vella district of
Barcelona. Every week those teenagers met freely to listen awkwardly to
the teacher's living voice, that of Agustí Chalaux. She persevered.
She studied economics. And shaped as a book, this book, what Agustí
explained, that others of us listened to and tried to put down in more
imperfect editions.
In these brief first lines I cannot resist the temptation to put on
paper the three fundamental (in my opinion) intuitions of Finaly-Chalaux:
Currency, besides being a title of right of possession of some goods of
a given value, is the necessary information to be able to demand all the
pertinent, social responsibilities, if the currency is explanatory of what
has been bought and sold with it.
This responsbile currency allows a general accounting of a given geopolitical
community and will point out, except in the case of disastrous exceptions,
an unsuspected overvalue of a social kind, independent from the private
overvalue generated by the companies.
This overvalue, now hidden, is stolen by individuals, and it is necessary
for it to be managed by the democratic state, in the name of the above-mentioned
community, in order to finance the life, the social security and all the
vocational professions (teachers, doctors, priests, politicians, judges,
artists...) and to show the purchase of all the useful production surpluses
useful to an improved production.
Let us meditate on this!
Lluís Maria Xirinacs.
Ex-senator and globalist philosopher.
Founder of Estudi General.
He has studied in depth new socio-economic models.
2nd edition, Barcelona, 19th July 1997.